Information technology's a fact that ultrasounds tin be wrong up to 10% of the fourth dimension. Take the time to absorb that i for a 2d. X. Percent. Upwards to 10 women out of 100 volition get told that they're having a certain gender, only to have a kind of jack-in-the-box surprise at the stop.

In truth, ultrasounds accept an accuracy charge per unit of 90-95%, with some studies even putting frontward a 98% accuracy rate. Despite these percentages, there are stories upon stories on the web of women getting told that their babe would either be a boy or a girl, merely to discover the opposite a couple of weeks later or fifty-fifty at birth.

Information technology'southward important to recollect that a number of factors come into play with regards to ultrasounds and accurately predicting the gender. How early the gender screening is performed, the baby's cooperation, and the expertise of the tech are all tremendously important. Basically, your lucky stars need to align but right for you to non go the wrong result.

And the vast majority of pregnant women laying in the chair, waiting to detect out the gender, will indeed become the right respond. Information technology's the stories of the unlucky few who serve equally a dandy reminder that even though we have made smashing technological advances in the by century, we still have a long manner to go.

fifteen Priceless Reaction

Shock of a lifetime, wouldn't you say? Jes Jackson, an Australian nascence photographer, snapped this incredibly candid picture show of Koto Nakamura. Throughout her pregnancy, the new mommy had been expecting a cute babe girl, only to deliver a cute baby...boy!

Understandably, she was speechless at the turn in gender, saying, "I thought everyone was joking, I lost words and I couldn't believe information technology until I saw his bottom."

Later, Koto ended, "I was shocked for a few seconds, and then it didn't affair if it was a girl or a boy."

In this case, information technology would have been less of a surprise if they had called to not know the gender when they went for the ultrasound in the get-go place! Information technology's one affair to have no expectations of gender, but another entirely to exist prepared for one, and take the contrary!

14 Deplorable Kid

All kids are embarrassed by their parents, but this story from "scoutyfreeman" is sure to mortify the poor boy for life:

"Told girl at anatomy browse (19 weeks). Had to had follow up scan at 32 weeks - it was a boy. We will forever ruthlessly tease my son when he'due south old enough to know we are joking that his penis was besides small to be spotted by a doctor."

And then again, that'due south also a adept threat for the parents to use as leverage when the boy is a teenager: "Sneak out one more fourth dimension and we'll tell your girlfriend about the time that the doctor mistook you for a girl!"

Arguably, kids are pretty vivid these days, but y'all never know when it might work! And this isn't actually something a kid would want to exam mom about...

13 Surprise, Grandma!

Stories of wrong ultrasounds are plentiful on infant boards, but it'southward this shocking tale that'south truly unique. During the pregnancy, the happy couple had finally settled on naming their baby daughter "Charlee", only to discover during her birth that "she" was actually a "he".

Quick on their feet, they named the new babe "Bentley" and decided to surprise the grandparents by asking Nana to alter the diaper. A hilarious moment then ensues as the grandmother discovers that she volition now forever need to beware of getting spritzed with a potential fountain when changing the infant's diaper. In example yous missed information technology, boy babies existence like fountains when uncovered can exist found in the xv Biggest Mistakes When Changing and Feeding Infant.

Arguably, this new grandmother's reaction is right upwardly there with the 15 of the Best Grandparent Reactions to a Pregnancy Announcement.

12 Can't Milk shake The Feelin'

No doubtfulness, yous've heard of the fourth dimension-honored aphorism that a "mother's intuition is never wrong"? Eileen'due south story serves every bit a bang-up reminder that sometimes mothers "merely know":

"OMG. I had 5 ultrasounds telling me my Male child was a Daughter. It was baroque. I had this strange feeling that they were all wrong and that I was having a male child. I didn't buy anything pink considering I but felt like he was a male child. I was right! I found out on my 34 week 3D ultrasound that he was a boy. The nurse was and then surprised that I had been told past five scans and 2 different doctors that I was having a girl! I was relieved because I knew it was finally right. I will never ever ever find out the sexual practice of my child before he/she is built-in again LOL."

If y'all accept always wondered whether it's possible to be told the wrong gender around the xx-calendar week ultrasound, now you know! It can pretty much happen whatever time.

11 Truckload Of Pink

Every mom wants to be equally prepared every bit possible for babe's arrival. This includes buying, washing and carefully folding all the new baby apparel infant is going to need. But going on dorsum-to-back shopping sprees throughout the pregnancy and and so being left wondering: "what just happened?" can occur to even to the most frugal of mommies.

Merely since ultrasounds aren't 100% accurate just yet, information technology might be a practiced idea to tone information technology down on going full blue or total pink with your purchases, a lesson that Samantha's sister learned the difficult way:

"This happened with my nephew. Full on shower with a truckload of pinkish, and they found out nigh two weeks earlier he was born that he was a boy."

I estimate the silver lining here is that they at least had a full two weeks to re-prepare and were hopefully able to either return or sell some of the pink baby wearing apparel.

ten Sorry To Suspension It To You

Most future mommies going in for their gender reveal ultrasound are a ball of nerves. I know I was! Yet, Andrea from Momfessionals, was chill as a cucumber. Thinking she already had everything figured out, she casually chatted with her medico, until her world got turned completely and irrevocably upside downwards:

"At 21 weeks we went in for the anatomy ultrasound at my OB's office and told the tech we already knew the gender. We casually chatted as she began her measurements, starting at the head and working her fashion downward. We talked about that sweet piffling profile, the cheeks, etc. and when she got "down in that location" she asked united states of america over again where we had had our before ultrasound and confirmed with united states that the other tech had said boy. I idea she was just existence talkative and when she goes, "well... they were wrong. She's DEFINITELY a girl", I lost it. Lost. It. We spent the next 5 minutes double, triple and quadruple checking."

9 Oh Boy, What A Pretty Apparel You Have At that place

Packing a infirmary purse is hard enough, but for Sophie's friend, the job ended upward being a complete disaster when she gave birth to a baby male child, instead of the much-planned for babe girl:

"They can be wrong---A girlfriend of mine had seen 2 dissimilar doctors with 2 unlike ultrasounds stating she was having a girl and she had a pink babe shower, called the tummy past the name she had chosen and when she delivered it was a boy!! She was shocked (as we all were) and fifty-fifty had to purchase something from a nearby store for him to wear home, as it didn't seem fitting for him to wear that pretty dress abode!!"

Hopefully, at that place was a infant store not too far abroad. We all know how expensive those hospital souvenir stores ordinarily are.

viii The Almighty Tech

Ever try to debate with any medical professional? Information technology just can't be done. Cartel to disagree and you'll either be instantly blown off or outright told "no". This is exactly what happened to "Amy":

"I've had them be wrong at 20w. I wouldn't even ask at 14. And the tech that was wrong got all huffy when I asked if he was sure...he was similar 'I am a lifetime career sonography and have NEVER been wrong'. Uh huh. Everybody makes mistakes. And for what it's worth, my son was the eighth incorrect gender past ultrasound that week built-in in that hospital alone."

Getting the gender wrong eight times in one calendar week surely must be some kind of a tape, but as it turns out, Amy was right to trust her gut feeling!

7 Multiple Opinions Can Still Be Wrong

While some women opt to skip on having a baby shower, others choose to accept more than i. This tin make getting the wrong gender prediction double the headache, as evidenced by "Elena", whose chief asking had been that everything be pink:

"Yes it's true that they tin can be wrong. They were with me. With my showtime child they told me 4 times that I was having a girl so I had ii babe showers and requested that everything be pinkish. To my surprise it was a boy. With my 2d they told me the same thing only this fourth dimension I wanted neutral colors instead of pink or blue and sure plenty information technology was a boy again."

Give thanks goodness this mommy learned from her commencement experience - besides gender neutral colors are just every bit adorable on any baby!

6 When Doc Pulls A Fast 1 On You lot

As this couple learned, mistaking a boy for a girl happens quite oft:

"My married woman and I were told nosotros had a daughter. Nosotros even saw where in the image the daughter bits were supposed to be. So of class information technology was a surprise when the doctor said, 'It'south a boy!' My first thought was 'Very funny doc'. A quick look over the surgical screen and yes, that is a male child.

Fortunately nosotros had all the dress from his blood brother and hadn't redone any rooms. Unfortunately, nosotros had several gifts which my married woman in detail is loathe to get rid of. Still nosotros are very happy to have the lilliputian male child!"

The reason for this is that while information technology'southward harder to recollect that a boy is actually a girl because of the obvious little package betwixt his legs, sometimes boys that are mistaken for girls may accept merely been "shy" every bit some would telephone call it. During the ultrasound, these shy babies would accept their legs crossed or be positioned in such a fashion that would atomic number 82 the technician to call out the wrong gender.

5 Old Wives Tales: 100% Wrong

Pregnancy is a wonderful and magical moment in any adult female's life. Or is information technology? From the 15 Good Reasons New Parents Should Be Terrified, all the way to the 14 Things Well-nigh Parents Forget To Practise Earlier The Baby Arrives, you lot then too demand to worry most old wives tales. These are unavoidable as someone somewhere is bound to bring one of them upward.

"Had my level two ultrasound today. Commencement allow me say EVERYTHING IS Wrong!

Intelligender said male child (twice!). Ring and string said male child (twice!). Cravings said boy. Intuition said male child. Spoon, pocketknife and pillow said male child. Chinese calendar said boy. Ultrasound tech who, according to the Dr. is NEVER wrong, said... 'Add me to squad pink!'"

Needless to say, at that place'south e'er something to worry near when information technology comes to pregnancies, so take former wives tales with a grain of salt.

4 Or Are They?

While we're on the topic of onetime wives tales, many will also contend that taking into account the rate of a babe'southward heartbeat in the womb to determine the gender is also another one-time wive's tales.

Co-ordinate to this theory, a fetal heart rate above 140 beats per minute (BPM) is probable to be a girl, while a center rate under that threshold would indicate a boy.

Interestingly, this theory proved to be correct for me, as it did for "Kari":

"At my get-go ultrasound, I was told I was having a boy. Every time though, my baby middle rate was always high at 176. I had another ultrasound and this time, I was told it was a girl!!"

Whether this is an old wives tale nosotros tin have to the bank, or but coincidence, I guess we'll never know!

3 Flip Flop

You'd think that surely, by 24 weeks, the infant's private parts would exist clear enough to determine the gender and however, the consummate opposite happened to "Kristy":

"We had 2 ultrasounds - 1 at xviii and 1 at 24 weeks and the tech both times said that it was a daughter. One week earlier nosotros are to deliver we had another ane merely to see how big the babe was and a new ultrasound tech said that we are having a male child. We too had a shower and everyone got girl stuff for her. We just had a girl name picked and now five days earlier we are to evangelize we have to get new clothes and figure out a proper name [...] We wasted a lot of money on clothes that nosotros for a girl. Likewise it is pretty depressing when for that long we focused and planned on a daughter. I remember that emotional and mental strain is a lot more than if nosotros had waited to find out on the baby's delivery appointment."

ii Who'south That Daughter?

Getting everything ready for baby's arrival is hard enough. And when the phenomenon finally happens that mom and dad agree on the perfect name for their new addition, it finally feels similar the light at the end of the tunnel is budgeted! Simply can you lot imagine if, in the midst of all your babe planning, you had gone so far every bit to embroider everything with that perfectly chosen name, only to find out that the infant is actually a "she" and non a "he"?

It's hard enough to go a refund a month afterward a buy, just there's definitely no returning anything once information technology's embroidered. That's exactly what happened to Lillian'due south friend:

"A girlfriend of mine was told male child. Had everything in blue. His proper noun embroidered on things. When she heard 'it's a girl!' afterward delivery you tin can say she was shocked!"

ane And Sometimes The Mistake Is Intentional...

I'grand a pretty proficient underground-keeper only keeping a undercover equally big as this ane during the entire pregnancy? At present that's some next level skills.

While there's no mention of her name, this woman kept a major secret from her family unit. Having already had three kids, all of which were boys, and with the last vi grandchildren being born in the family having already been boys as well, this mommy decided to trick anybody into thinking the the newest add-on would be another boy.

Much to anybody'due south cliffhanger, she was holding a beautiful bundle of pink when they came to visit her in the hospital. Already, welcoming a new baby is extremely heady, but the reactions of this woman's family unit just adds the carmine on top of a perfect moment! What's particularly amazing well-nigh this video is that it takes some family members a trivial while to figure information technology out equally mom sits there laughing, holding her new baby daughter. The feels are potent with this one!


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